Private Home Care and Senior Assisted Living Through a Companion Agency

Private home care is a service provided by private individuals who are licensed to care for others. These individuals provide quality, compassionate care in the privacy of their home. Private home care can be as short as an hour, or as long as you need it. Private home care can be affordable and safe, and can make life easier for both you and your loved one.

Unlike private nursing care, private home care does not require a doctor’s prescription. Individuals can choose to pay for these services privately or through an agency. These agencies are responsible for screening and ensuring that their workers are qualified to provide private home care. Some of these agencies also require a prescription from a doctor. read more

Choosing At Home Companions For Elderly and Disabled Clients

assisted living

Assisted living facilities are designed to maximize quality of life. Among other things, these facilities promote social engagement, hobbies, and spiritual interests. They also place a high priority on safety. They may have alarm systems and security guards. Some facilities also offer services to assist residents with daily activities such as toileting, walking, and transferring.

Companion care is a type of assisted living service that offers companionship to residents. Companions are trained to assist in everyday activities and tasks. They can help with household chores and errands and can provide non-medical care as well. Companions can also provide transportation. Companion services are a great option if you or a family member is unable to make it to appointments on their own. read more