What Are Companions For the Elderly?

companions for elderly

Companions for the elderly are professionals who work with older people to make their lives easier and to provide social interaction. Companions can help with daily tasks, such as bathing and dressing, as well as with medication and household chores. Some companions are also able to help with respite care, such as helping with errands. These professionals are often trained to deal with dementia and other conditions and can help seniors with a variety of tasks.

Companions can help elderly individuals stay mentally and physically fit. They can participate in activities and play games with seniors to help them maintain their cognitive abilities. This is important for seniors of all ages, but especially for those with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Companions can also help relieve loneliness, which is detrimental to health. read more

Live-In Aides in Home Companions for Elderly and Disabled People

livein aid

A live-in aide is a qualified individual who resides in a patient’s home. While HUD does not require that a live-in aide live in the same home as the patient, landlords must provide the aide with reasonable accommodations, and make finding a suitable live-in aide a priority. These professionals must meet specific HUD guidelines. A patient must have a documented need for a live-in aide, and the property owner must verify the need for one.

The HUD Handbook, or HUD Regulations, provide guidelines for who may qualify to be a live-in aide. A relative may be considered a Live-in aide if they meet certain requirements. However, HUD does not allow an adult child to move into a unit as a live-in aide. The child must perform the duties of a live-in aide in order to qualify. read more